Click versus right click

Click versus right click

When you look at your mouse, you should instantly notice that there are two (or sometimes three) different buttons which can be clicked. For most situations the user will use the left button. For this reason when people refer to ‘click’ they are referring to left click. In contrast, clicking on the right button is always referred to as ‘right click’. In this job aid we will always refer to left click as ‘click’, and right click as ‘right click’.

The standard mouse has two buttons, plus a scroll wheel in the middle which sometimes is a button. But most mice do just two things: right- and left-click. Left-click is often referred to as “normal-click” or “regular-click.” Most tasks on a computer can be accomplished solely through using the left mouse button. Pressing the left mouse button seems to simulate the mouse cursor being pressed down on the screen: you can drag items or select text or open files.

A double-click is a special type of left-mouse-button click which is getting used less and less. A double-click is usually used for opening files on your computer, where a single-click is used for navigating webpages. Because so much computer is online, the double-click is declining in use.

The right mouse button is often ignored for weeks or months at a time, and it’s less understood than its brother. However, the right mouse button is one of the most valuable tools on the computer. It’s not strictly defined as having a function which makes it hard to describe, but the basic purpose of the right mouse button is this: to give you information *about* what you’re clicking on. If the left mouse button directly interacts with an object, the right mouse button often allows you to indrectly interact. Right-clicking a file gives you a list of things to do with the file, or the option to see its properties. Right-clicking your desktop background allows you to modify the desktop. Right-clicking a link allows you to do other things with that link besides visit it